Thursday, December 29, 2011

Toes to Bar, KB Snatch, GHD

Three rounds for time of

15 - 25# KB Snatch - Rt Arm
15 - Toes to Bar
15 - 25# KB Snatch - Lt Arm
15 - GHD
Time: 16:20

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Press and mini-amrap

Three sets of:
Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps (60% 1 RM)
Rest 90 seconds
Up right rows x 10-12 reps
Rest 90 seconds

“Brothers in Arms”
One time only...  Not sure why...
20 Kettlebell Swings w/ 45# KB
17 Box Jumps 20"
9 Jerks 135# then dropped to 95# for last four...

Should have muscled through the Jerks, but didn't...  WEAK!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday Row

Was a bum on Monday.

5 rounds of 500m row, rest 60 sec between rounds.
Fastest time: 1:46
Slowest time: 2:04


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

“CFTV 12 Days of Christmas”
1- Wall Walk
 2- Deadlift at 185#
3- Med ball squat cleans (20/14) - Subbed cleans with home made 15# PVC bar
4- Wall ball shots (20/14) -  Subbed Jumping Squats w/ a total of 20#
5- Pull-ups - Subbed Dips
6- Ground to Overhead (45/35 # plate)
7- Sit-ups
8- Lat jumps over bar
9- Air squats
10- Push-ups
11- Box Jumps
12- Burpees
Follow the song...  On the first day of crossfit, the coach gave to me...  1 Wall Walk.  On the second day of crossfit the coach gave to me 2 Deadlifts and a Wall Walk...  You get the idea.
Final Time: 36:30


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday Down plus Saturday Work-out

I rested of Friday with various niggling pains.

Saturday, still had the pains, but felt better after working out.

On the minute, every minute for 20 minutes do...

5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats
If you fail, then finish the set, rest the remainder of the minute then drop to
4 Pull-ups, 8 Push-ups, 12 Squats

If you fail, then finish the set, rest the remainder of the minute then drop to
3 Pull-ups, 6 Push-ups, 9 Squats...

I failed on round five, then again in minute 8, again on 17...

Bunch of stretching afterwards


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wed and Part one of Thursday plus Part II

Wed at the CFTV:
10 min AMRAP of
10 - Box Jumps
10 - 70# KB Swings
10 - Sit-ups
30 - Single Jump Ropes (no doubles for me)
Five rounds + 14
Thursday AM
Bench Press
135-185-190-195-200-205-210 (PR)
Then at 35% of above max reps
43 reps at 70#
Cash Out: 50 GHD sit-ups in 3 mins
Also tried the peg climb, but couldn't get the stabilization.
Have Directorate PT this afternoon and will do a METCON workout.

Edit: I did three rounds of

10x 185# DL
Farmers Walk with two 70# KB a total of 180'
10 Wallballs...

I was going to do five rounds, but was pretty tired.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Front Squats

First time since the surgery for the Front Squat.  I kept it light, but the knee is still feeling it.

Front Squats: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

completed at 65# - 95# - 105# - 115# - 135# - 145# - 155#

Followed by 35% for max reps.  I stuck with the bar only and got 39 reps.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Ugly MetCon Monday

5 round of.
10 Pull-ups (fine)
10 95# Hanging Squat Clean (Broken into sets)
10 Hand Stand Push-ups (1st round as HSPU, rest as negatives with reset
after each one)
10 Push-ups
Time: 32:00
The HSPU were the real killer and sucked up the most time. Pull-ups and
Push-ups were punched out without much of an issue. The hanging squat clean
were technical with the lift following the squat being the tough part.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fri and Sat

Bear Complex
4 4 3 3 1 1
Ended last end at 135 - but had a fail with the last push press.
Death by push-ups
1 push every minute on the minute adding one each minute.
I got 14 and failed on the 14th on round 15.
Then 50 medicine ball sit ups with 20#.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wed and Thur

Abs Wed:
50- Weighted sit-ups (20/14)
25- Toes to bar
50- Weighted sit-ups
25- Knees to elbows
50- Weighted sit-ups
Time: 9ish...  I think?  Maybe 11ish...  Forgot to right it down.

Spinning for 50 mins


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday Fran, Tuesday Power Snatch

Monday was Fran. Hadn't done that in a long while. I'll have to check my
previous times tonight.
Fran for time:
Reps of 21-15-9
95# Thrusters
Time: 12:22
4 rounds for time of
5 power snatch @ 95#
10 Burpees
15 Box jumps
20 (x3) double unders (single jump rope)
Time: 13ish...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday and Saturday

8 rounds of each exercise - Each round is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest

Mountain Climbers
Wall balls

Count the lowest rep of each eight for each exercise and score that number.

Burpees - 5
Sit-ups - 12
Mnt. Climbers - 5
Wall Ball - 4 (bad second round... :( )
Score - 26


20 minute AMRAP of

400m row
21 - 135# Deadlifts

Finished five full rounds with 250m of rowing...


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday

5 rft or 25 min
20 each of...
95# push press
Double unders (*3 for singles)
95# hanging power clean
DnD - rnds was 3+36
5 rnds was a killer... most likely in the hugh 30's
Wed at the hotel
3 rft
3 wall walks
6 burpees
9 kettlebell swings at 35
12 squats
15 sit-ups
Time 9:36
Did some dumb bell snatches for skill work afterwards ending at 40#

Monday, December 5, 2011

Back Squats and AMRAP

5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Back Squats
Squats are still a sour spot. I'll most likely never be doing a 200# squat
with the knees I've got. :-(
At least a 6 min rest then
10 Back Squats (at 50% of above. I went 95#)
10 Box Jumps (I did a combo of full jumps and jump up/step down)
10 Pull-ups (I got the rings for the pull-ups)
Rounds: 3+18

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Row and push

20 AMRAP 250m row and 25 push-ups
6 full rounds plus an extra row.

Push-ups are the killer each rows was at or under 1 minute so that left 13 mins for the 150 push-ups.  Only the first set was unbroken.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Clean and Jerks

5 min AMRAP of Clean and Jerks.

Rx at 155#.  Scaled down to 115#.

I counted 17, but swear I counted '5' three or five times... We will keep the 17.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tac Fit

Went to the new tactical fitness area today because Crossfit TV has the new schedule...

For time:
of the triplet
Toes to bar
205# Deadlift
GHD Sit-up
Time: 20:31

Time sink was the toes to bar.  I couldn't get a pace going and all the sets were pretty much broken up.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why can't I keep up?


Row for 30 mins.

6300ish meters


Cindy -
5 pull-ups (Rings)
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Rounds 12 + 12 (pulls plus 7 push-ups)

Started feeling sick on Sunday...  Hit the bottom on Tuesday and didn't workout.  Most likely won't today either.

Back on the horse on Thursday.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

MetCon Saturday

20 min AMRAP

Row 250m (1)
Kettlebell Swing 35# (3,6,9...)
Sit-ups (3,6,9...)
Ring Dips (3,6,9...)

I finished five rounds + the row and 7 swings.

The last round of dips were just awful.  I even had to 'spot' them with a chair since I couldn't get the reps as singles at that point.


Friday, November 25, 2011


Friday after Thanksgiving, no gym for black Friday.  Figured I would take a look at the named wods and see what I hadn't done.  I was surprised that I have only done Grace once and not Rx at that.

So I throw on the 45# plates and moved the bar to the driveway and gave it a go.

30 ground to overhead at 135# for time.

Time: 11:18

I should have gone a bit harder and less rest to be honest.  The Cleans went pretty smooth, even towards the end, but Jerks were just week.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

All week long...


Cleans - 2 rep Max w/ 60 second max time...
Worked up with a 5-5-3-3-2-[2]
Failed on 165#, 160#, but hit the 155# on the final work-up....


100 Sit-Ups for time


5 RFT of:
10- OH Walking Lunges (45/25)
10- Box Jumps (24/20)

I ended with 10:35ish...  I was told I did six rounds vice five. Opps...


15 deadlifts (225# vice 150#)
25 box jumps
50 pull-ups
100 wall ball shots
200 double unders (subbed 600 singles)
400m run w/ 45# plate.
Time: 36 mins

Great thanksgiving with Ashley, Carl and Riley.  Turkey turned out perfect and all the sides were great. :)


Sunday, November 20, 2011


Turkish get-ups

Friday, November 18, 2011

Snow Shovel?


Double Unders (Sub 3x singles)
"Snow Shovels" - Bar w/ one 15# plate.  Hold like a shovel and move up and over a 20" bench back and forth.

Time: 8:55


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday chipper

50 each of...
Up & downs (no push-up burpees )
Good Mornings w/ bar
SDHP w/ bar
box jump

Time of 18:37

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tabata Row

Tabata Rows

8 rounds 20:10 for Calories

Score: 5

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday & Tuesday

6 rnds
10 deadlift at 200 lbs
15 push ups
20 sit ups
Time of 1455

7 rnds
7 overhead squats at 45 lbs
7 pull ups (knees raised)
Time of 810

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday Triplet and Friday Long work


4 RFT of:
7- Hang Power Cleans (155/105) but scaled to 105# :(
14- Walking Lunges
21- Jumps Over Bar
Time: 6:55 (?)


Row 1k
50 squats
100 push-ups
150 sit-ups
Row 1k
Time: 28:23
Push-ups were the killer.  I would say almost half the time was spent on them.  The 1k were each around the 4:20ish mark.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wed Spin

Spinning Class

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ugly little MetCon

5 rounds for time of...
30 Double Unders (Substituted 90 singles)
20 air squats
10 burpees
Time: 12:27

Monday, November 7, 2011

3x3 press

General warm-up

Press 3 reps of 3 with a few early warm-ups


I failed on the second lift of 125, dropped to 120 and failed on the third lift.  115 it is.

Finished with 100 situps


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday and Saturday


One rope climb
three rounds of 5 broad jumps and one lap running
One rope climb

Time: ???


Row 300m
20 Push Press (#95)
Row 300m
15 Push Press
Row 300m
10 Push Press
Row 300m
5 Push Press

Time: 12:12

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back Squat and Sit ups

Five rounds
Each round is a 3 minute AMRAP of
3 Back Squats (I did 155# vice the Rx 255#)
12 Sit-ups

Rest 1 min between rounds

Score is total number of complete rounds.

I scored a 14, having to adjust the weight on the first rep cut me down to a two rep, but I got three on all the others.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mini Fight

Wife wanted to workout after her work today.  I did a 'FGB' type workout for her with the heavy bag

3 rounds of the following five exercises

1 min Heavy Bag
1 min Ring plank pulls
1 min sit ups
1 min press (45# for me)
1 min row

Rest one minute between rounds...

Work was done. :)


Two for Tuesday

Tuesday AM was a gasser...

15 AMRAP of
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Wallball (20#)
15 Kettlebell Swings with a 45#

I got 6 full rounds and the chest to bar pulls with one more wallball.  Arms were shot.

After work I went to the base gym's new 'tactical fitness' area and did some skill work.
Row 500m
Some light bear to warm-up
Snatch - I started with PVC, went to the kiddie bar and then ladies bar.  I ended at a 65# and feeling comfortable, but couldn't get over the fear of a full snatch with 75#.  Just couldn't get my mind to buy into the whole thing...  Need More Practice!


Monday, October 31, 2011


Friday was the Games Open Workout #4
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats (Rx at 135#, but I only had 75#)
10 Muscle-ups
That is right. Ten minutes to get through multiple rounds. Yea, right. :-)
I made it through the burpees and 11 of the Overhead squats. OHS are a
pretty big weakness following the surgery, well all squats are a weakness.

Saturday I went to the other half's gym on a guest pass and did the spinning
class followed by a bit of skill work on hanging cleans

Sunday - mostly rest

Monday - "Randy" - 75 power snatches at 75#
I did it Rx'ed for 8:40ish. Started out the gate too fast/hard and took too
long of breaks to catch my breath.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Deadlift Thursday

Took Wednesday completely off.  Knees need the break! :)

Thursday was Deadlifts.

3 sets of 3 rep, building to a max effort.

I got a 295 finish on my three reps which was a great lift for me.  I was pretty happy.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

PM Classes first half of week

Monday PM:

50-40-30-20-10 of: Push Press (45/35) and Box Jumps (20″)
I jumped up on the boxes and stepped down due to the knee.
Time: 14:40ish

Tuesday PM:

6 RFT of:  5- Front Squats* (185/125) and 10- Kettlebell swings (70/45)
I scaled the work down to 95#, again due to the knee.
*Front squats must be cleaned from the ground.
Time: 12:40ish (I think?)
This took much longer then it should.  The 70# cannon ball was a killer.

Knee is super sore today.  I'll be taking Wednesday completely off.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend update

Saturday - bike 14 miles
Suppose to be 30 put weather didn't cooperate.
Monday am - row 5k in 22:55.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wed to Fri

Wed - spinning for 45 mins
Thur - run 2 laps then so 21-15-9 of toes to the bar and weighted burpees, then run 2 laps
   Time: 16:20ish
Fri - 100 each of pulls, push, sit, squat - In the basement had to use some odd things to get pull-ups going between the I-Beam or rings way to low...
   Time: 32ish

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Low Bar Backsquat

Slow build to three rounds of 7 low bar back squats.

Still nursing the knee so I went light.  Finished at 165#.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Tabatta Double Unders

Tabatta Double Unders are what they are.
Warmed up with the Bear.  Ended with 125.
Max: 12; Min 3 – I got to the point when I was trying to force them vice taking a nice easy jump with the rope.
Cash Out was overhead squat fundamentals.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Walk it off

Walk it Off
100m OH Walk - 95#
100m Waiter Walk(L) - 35# KB
100m Waiter Walk(R) - 35# KB
100m Farmers Carry - 45# plate each hand
400m Run

Time: 11:13

Friday, October 14, 2011

The week in workouts

Monday - Didn't do much… Lazy Holiday
Tuesday - MetCon 20 minute AMRAP
"BLAMRAP" - Mod for home use
1- Muscle Up (Jumping Muscle Up with a Dip)
3- Deadlifts (185#)
5- Burpees
7- Box Jumps (20″ - Step ups)
250m Row
Rounds: 6 Full
Wednesday - Bike Ride - 22.5 miles in 1:46
Thursday - MetCon
For Time:
50- Med ball squat-clean, wall-ball shots (First half with 14#, second half
with 20# - Shared due to lack of balls)
1- Rope climb
50- Hand release push ups
1 Rope climb
Time: 10:50
Friday - Strength
1 Rep Max Weighted Pull-up - Started at 20# and ended at 50#, failed at 60#.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bike Ride

Friday afternoon rode the bike for 19.25 miles in around 1:40ish.  Very heavy wind on half the ride.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Don't drop the baby

5 rounds for time
Half a lap
15 medicine ball sit-ups
15 box jumps
Carry 20# medicine ball for all exercises. If you drop the ball you pay you a 50 burpees penalty.
Time 14:09 - no penalty

Thursday, October 6, 2011


100 Sumo deadlift highpulls with just the bar (45/35)
50 thrusters with the bar (45/35)
30 pullups

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I did the Tuesday lunch spinning class as well as the 6am Wednesday class.

Burns lots O' Calories. :)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Five one rep max cleans after dynamic warm-ups
Ended with 165# clean.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday -

TV Assessment
run 1.5 laps
5 pulls
10 push
15 sit
20 squat

PM - Rode bike 10 miles at 15mpsh

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Thurs -
5 rnds of
5 thrusters (95 but 155 rd)
5 muscle ups (15 pull-ups & dips as sub)
1 lap
Time was 20ish
12 minute AMRAP
20 sit-ups
20 knees to elbows
20 45# good mornings
I got 4 full rounds

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yet More Stuff

OK...  Bad Blogger! :)

I did work out all last week less travel on Friday.  I just can't remember what it was I did. :)

Yesterday - a modified filthy fifty cut down to thirty (dirty thirty) for Brandon's B-Day.  Time was 21:01.

Today - Three rounds of Heavy Deadlifts (225#) - 10 reps and 50 Double-Unders.  I completed the first round of doubles then switched to 3x single for the last two rounds.  Time: 8:20ish...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


100 each of...

Monday, September 19, 2011

More Stuff

Wow,  whole week of working out and not posting...

Monday - Deadlifts - heavyish load with an extra 5K row in the afternoon (22 mins)

Tuesday - Off

Wednesday - Row 500m; 50 Sit-ups; 50 Push-ups; 50 Back Extensions Time: ???

Thursday - 1/4 mile burpee broad jumps - Time: 47 minutes...  Took 17 for first 1/2... :)

Friday - 5 handstand push-ups (HPU) 150 jump rope (JR); 4 HSPU, 120 JR; 3 HSPU, 90 JR; 2 HSPU, 60 JR; 1 HSPU, 30 JR - Got the first three HSPU, then went to kipping, then negatives and just a hold on the last.  Forgot the time...

Saturday - Off

Sunday - Went to beach and played in the surf for over an hour

Monday - Bench Press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1 - Started at 135# and ended with 195#


Monday, September 12, 2011


5 rounds
Run 1/4 mile
10 push-ups
10 dips
10 sit-ups
50 jump rope
Deadlift with exactly 60 seconds rest
Ended at 235

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday workouts

AM - 9 chest to bar pull-ups
12 burpees
15 medicine ball sit-ups
5 rounds in 14:40

PM - used the PAR Course with 13 exercises with s 25 yard run between each exercise.  Three rounds in 20 odd minutes.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


500m row
50 each of the following
Back ext
Box jump at 16
Time:28 mins

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shoulder press, power clean, and mini metcon

Sitter shoulder press at 105, power clean technique at 95. Mini merging... 7 wallball @ 12# and 7 buepees in 9:50.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big catch up

Spent all of last week on a cruise to Alaska.  Had a great time.  Pics can be found here.

I did work out 6 of the 7 days and one of those days I didn't workout I did go kayaking, so it was a pretty active trip.  I tried a spinning class and had a bike ride for one of my excursions so I might catch the biking itch.

I did not workout over the labor day weekend.  At all.  :(

Today is the first day of class for two weeks.  Gym is across the parking lot and an easy walk.  No excuses.

I hit the gym after getting in.

Dynamic warmup to include pulls, push, sit, squats.

Work out:
5 rounds of
10 Pull-ups
10 45# Kettlebell swing
10 Squats
Time: 9:05

Then did 10 mins on exercise glider...


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Squats and weighted pull-ups - Deadlift and Row

Scheduled for front squats which I am still not doing.  I did do partial squats with a kettle bell.  I also tried single rep dead hang weighted pull-ups.  I was able to add 35#...  Not so much.

At the house I did AMRAP of 500m row and 10 deadlifts at 155#.  I finished 5 rounds and 350m.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Jump and Sit

For Time:
Double Unders
I substituted 3x singles for double unders due to the knee and the impact I get from doubles. 
Time: 10:42
Sunday did a workout with the eldest.  50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 kettlebell, 50 dumb bell press

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday - Dizzy

Dynamic Warm-up followed by
Rounds of 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following three exercises
Handstand push-ups
Time: 11:21

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wed - Bike and Thur - C&J with step-ups

Wednesday I played hooky and took a 18.75 mile bike ride.  Took about 1.5 hours.  Sore and tired, especially the groin
Thursday was supposed to be overhead squats and box jumps…  Still not doing squats due to the knee so they were out.  Substituted 115# clean and jerks and short step ups to avoid the impact.
5 rounds of
5 clean and jerks
10 step ups (16” box)
Time: 8:10

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

100m runs

Dynamic Warm-up
Conduct 10, 100m runs. Rest between to get heart rate in line. Keep run
times within 2 seconds.
My high time was 14 sec, low times was 12 sec. Knee held up pretty well,
but I was consistently the slowest one on the deck.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Press and Metcon

105, 110, 115 (F)
12 min Metcon
10 Pulls
15 Push
20 Sits
Rounds: ???  Very tired

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bike Ride

Saturday I broke out my bike.  I rode from the house to Lake Z, all around the Lake and back home.  14.43 miles in 1:05.

Rubber legs.

Spent Sunday on the roof painting and on the ground weeding.


Friday, August 12, 2011

WOD's Again

So this month has been slow recovery.  The knee is doing OK, but squats are still out…
Dynamic Warm-up – A long one too
3 rounds of
800 meter ‘run’ (more like light jog due to knee)
10 pull-ups
9 kettlebell swings at 45#
Time: 12:58
Overall OK performance.  Heart rate was up due to plodding along on the run.  PU went well and even the swings were OK given the need to use the knee.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Post Surgery Start again...

It has been one month since the surgery and I'm ready to hit the box again!  Going to have to take it easy for another month or so, but I am ready to get out of that other gym!

Today's workout

400m run
35 of dip, sit-up, squat
400m run
30 of each
400m run
25 of each

Time: 11:15 - Runs were slow, of course and I assisted the squats with a pole and didn't go full depth.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday and Sunday Burpees

Took it easy this weekend.

Just did my burpees

Saturday: 56
Sunday: 57


Friday, June 24, 2011


Strict Shoulder Press with 7 sets of three reps.

Ended with 120#

Day 55 in Burpees


Thursday, June 23, 2011



Dynamic Warm-up (3 rounds of burpees x10, pass through x10, overhead squat x10, 45#press x10, banded back ext x10, 400m run)
5 rounds of...
3 minutes of nonstop work consisting of
- 3 reps 115# power cleans (135# Rx)
- 6 reps push-ups
- 9 reps air squats
2 minute rest
Full rounds completed for each 3 minute section: 5/5/4/4/5

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

Sunday = Day 50 of the Burpee challenge. Finished in about 3:30

Monday = 5 Rounds of-20 sit-ups and 15 flutter kicks (four count)
-Walking lunges with a 45# plate overhead across the gym (about 9 lunges or so)
-10 toes to bar
-Walking lunges with a 45# plate overhead across the gym
Time: 15:44
51 Burpees

Tuesday = Strength Day
Deadlifts with 6 rounds of 3 reps
Ended with a three rep of 275. It felt good and I could have gotten another 5 or 10 out of it. Next time! :)
Finished with a 7 minute as many rounds as possible of...
10 Push-ups
5 Box Jumps (20")
5 Wall Balls (All the 20# were being used so I used the 14# but did 2-fers (Add an extra squat while the ball is in the air))
Rounds:??? I think I finished six full rounds and all but 2 wall balls for the last round.

52 Burpees


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday at Home

Short Dynamic Warm-up


15 Deadlifts at 155#
10 Burpees
5 Ring Dips

Five rounds total
Time: 16:55

That also counts towards my day 49 of the [url=""]100 day burpee challenge[/url].  Only 51 more days to go!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Filthy Fifity

Today is what we call a chipper. When you are done it feels like you were a tree limb that has been put through a wood chipper.

Filthy Fifty

50-box jumps 24″

50-jumping pul-ups

50-KB swings, 1 pood (35#)

50-walking lunge steps

50-knees to elbows

50-push presses, 45 pounds

50-back extensions (sub. good mornings)

50-wall ball shots, 20 lb. ball


50-double-unders (Subbed 150 singles)

The Knees to elbows, burpees, and wall balls were the biggest time sync.

Time: 33:46 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Travel Sucks...

Wednesday travel got botched, so my rest day got extended due to failure of the airlines...

Wednesday: 46 Burpees
Thursday: 47 Burpees

I really don't want to miss a day of those.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


20 minute AMRAP.  Rx had a 400m run, but the knee is getting flaky so I subbed 20 SDHP

400m Run (20 SDHP)
20 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
Finished 4 rounds and 15 pulls


Monday, June 13, 2011


Reps of 21-15-9 of two exercises
95# Thruster
Time: 11:19
Did the weight Rx.  It was a killer.  I had to break the first set of 21 up into groups of 7, and then both the 15 and 9 were sets of 3.  It is sad when pull-ups become the easy part of the workout. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Power Cleans

Power Cleans, Max Effort: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Finished with a clean at 155#
Finished with a seven minute AMRAP
In seven minutes complete as many rounds as possible of...
10 power cleans at 50% of one rep max effort (I used 80#)
10 Burpees
Completed 4 full rounds and 2 cleans.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mon to Wed


Three days with out an update.  Bad John.



21 overhead squats at 75#
42 pull-ups
15 overhead squats at 75#
30 pull-ups
9 overhead squats at 75#
18 pull-ups

Time: 15:04

We just got a functional pull-up bar in the box. It has been too long from doing them to have the first workout be 90 pull-ups coupled with overheads. Prescribed was a 95# lift, but I would have been in the deep 20's if I had done them at that weight.

Warm-up included burpees (38 actually), dead hang pull-ups (3x5), sit-ups, etc...

3 rounds of...
800m Run
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Wallballs (20#)
15 'V-ups' (lay flat on back arms extended. Bring legs and arms up together to touch toes and back down)
20 Incline push-ups (feet on box, hands are parallets... Lets you get a deeper push)
Time: 23:07


Row 5K at 23:35


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday WOD

Today's Workout

5 rounds of

10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
30 air squats
400m row
Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

My splits were 3:20, 3:28, 3:38, 3:34, 3:54...  Not a bad grouping, with the last one being a bit further out then I would like.

Total time: 23:54


Friday, June 3, 2011


First and last.  It hurt too much! :)


Thursday Burner and Friday Deadlifts

10 burpees
15 Box Jumps (20")
20 Kettlebell swings (45#)
Time: 14:24
This one was a true burner.  I was spent!


Reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of

225# Deadlifts (~75% of 1 rep max)

Time: 13:02

Had to break up sets 10-6 into smaller sets, but did 5-1 in a single sets.  It is sad when 55 push-ups is the 'easy part' of the workout. ;)


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


'Rest Day'

Swim 1/2 mile 22:30ish

a few 25 yard sprints

Did my Burpees for warm-up on the wet deck of the floor.  We are on to 32 with the number getting larger...


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mulch, Rest, Deadlfit


Workout today was moving 12 cubic yards of mulch from the drive way to the backyard. Time:6 hours.

Buy in was 1.5 hours of weeding.

Cash out was day 27 of buepees.

I was beat.

Back recovers from Mulch


Reps of 21-15-9 of
185# deadlift
20" box jump
Time: 7:50

I broke up the deadlifts way too much, should have been able to power through more. Oh well.

Cash out with 1 handstand push-up


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Swim on wed and Bear on thur


On Wednesday I tried the main site WoD of 50m swim 25 push-ups for five rounds. Took me about 12 minutes or so. Stupid stop watch didn't take so I'm not 100% sure.

Thursday was the Bear. I started at 75 and went up by 5 pounds each of the five rounds to finish at 95#. Seven reps per round.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Overhead Lunge and Press

This week is a 'recovery' week at the gym. Lighter Workouts, more skill work, more mobility

Work Out
5 Overhead Lunges with 35# plate
5 Press with same 35# plate
10 rounds
Time: 4:26

Loooooots of hip mobility on the wall, some odd stretching with the barbells (butterfly stretch with a 45# bar rolled on the outside of each leg... Pulled the hair on my leg!), glute stretches


Monday, May 23, 2011

Death by Push-ups

Death by Push-ups

Dynamic Warm-up
Buy-in - Overhead Squat fundamentals/practice

1 push-up every minute on the minute, adding 1 push-up for each minute
We did only 15 rounds, but I expect I would have failed at 16/17. 
Then assisted negative push-ups until failure

Hip Mobility

Friday, May 20, 2011


Five rounds of three reps Press. 75-95-115-125(F)-125(F)

10 min as many rounds of
possible team work out.

four stations
push-ups (incline)

When the guy on pull-ups gets five, we
switched. Got 9 rounds in 10 minutes.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Base Line and Swim



400m Run
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

4:40 - Calf is still tight so the run was slower then I would have liked, plus we are still 'faking' the pull-up bars in the new gym, using the weightlifting bars on the highest part of the squat rack. Smashed my chin on the way down since the 'give' a bit...
(plus 17 Burpees in the warmup)


Swim for 1/2 mile in 22:40 then did five 25 yard sprints
(plus 18 Burpees in the warmup)


Monday, May 16, 2011


30 Ground to Overhead.  Rx is 135, but I did 115.  I think I could have done the Rx weight, but it would have been an easy 10+ min WOD.
Max time in an L-Sit:  A messily 17 sec.  :(

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday AM was team workouts at the gym.

Got teamed with Scott which was good as he was one of the strongest in the gym. Work out was in pairs of two complete the following:

300 Wallballs
300 Single Arm Kettlebell swings

Scott and I had the strategy of doing 10 wall balls each, alternating while the other maxed out the kettlebell swings. Strategy worked pretty well as we finished the KB swings at the 16 min mark, which made the rest of the wallball time as resting for the non exerciser. We finished up in the 21:30 range. Hard work. That was WAY to many wall balls for one day.

Also 14 Burpees

Friday, May 13, 2011

Push Jerk

Push Jerk reps of 3-3-3-3-3
Started with the 45# bar, ended with 85#.  Coach wanted us to go to a full deep squat with each rep after the landing.  At the lighter weight I could stick the 45 at the bottom, but with 85, I was hitting about half way and having to lower for the rest.
Interesting movement.
Afterwards as many rounds as possible of wall crawls in five minutes.  I was about 15.  Start with feet on the wall with chest on the floor.  Walk the feet up the wall and hand into the wall.  Touch the chest to the wall in the handstand position.  Walk the hands back out and feet down the wall.  It is a long five minutes. :)

Push-up and Sit-up

Dynamic Warm-up (push/sit/pass through/good mornings/rope climb/burpees)
Buy in
tricep push-up - on parellates with feet out, dip down into a dip, then push to extend arms and body into a ridged plank.  Max reps x2 with 2 min break between. 
Silly thing to do to your arms before the below workout...
10 rounds of
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
Time: 7:13
Oh  and Burpee count is 13

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday/Tuesday Legs from Heck

Good work guys!
Here is Monday and Tuesday.  As programming I cannot express how sucky my legs feel.  They are utterly jello.
Max Reps of Back Squats at ~90%/70%/60% of max weight (205#)...
First set was 185# for 6 reps
Second 145# for 15 reps
Third was 125# for 43 reps
That alone made my legs feel like poo.  Stairs were a killer. 
For time:
30 Box Jumps
200m Walking Lunges
30 Box Jumps
Time: 11:18
And now my legs are lead filled jello.  pht...
I also became a grandfather on Monday night so I am just dead tired...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tabata Friday and Home Saturday

Tabata's on Friday. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. 90 seconds of rest between exercises

Dead hang Pull-ups (ugh!) (Max 5, Min 1... Yes, 1.... Stupid dead hangs!)
Hammerthrows (Ab work) (Max 24, Min 20)
Inclined Push-ups (Max 10, Min 4... Again, stupid push-ups! :) )

This didn't go well for me as I expected more from the push-ups. The dead hangs were tough just because we had to do them with bent knees from the bar on the top of the squat rack. New pull-up bar 'should' be installed in a week or so at the gym.

 Saturday --

At home today as the gym is closed because the owner/coach is at an adventure race...

5 rounds of the following:
10 reps of 135# deadlift
10 reps of ring dips
10 sit-ups

Time: 10:06

Ring dips haven't done in a long time. Got the first two sets OK, after that I had to use a chair as a crutch... BBppphhttt!

Oh - and 6 and 7 Burpees for the days...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Muted Press and Handstands

Muted Press (like a bench press from the floor)  7 reps of 5.

Finished with a successes on 180, but failed the 185.

Afterwards was suppose to be 30 handstand push-ups for time.  I got 4.  My first 4 to be honest, then spent the next 10 mins working on negatives.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Deck of Cards

We did the deck of cards today...

Deck of Cards (Core Variation)
Take a deck of cards, shuffle. Face cards are 10, Aces are 11, numbered cards as valued. Flip each card and perform the movement and the number of reps specified. Cycle whole deck.
Hearts = burpees
Diamonds = mountain climbers (4ct)
Spades = flutterkicks (4ct)
Clubs = situps
Jokers = Row 500m

Finished the whole deck in about 33 mins. Burnt around 457 calories. Was very pooped. Worst combo was the I pulled the 9 and Ace of Burpees then four cards later got a 10 and king...

Had to do this at home since we have a guy coming in to fix the bathroom.

3 of 100

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Sumo Deadlift Max Efforts

Saturday night I dumped...  First time in a looong time.  I guess BBQ ribs are NOT back on the menu for me.  Who knew?  After being ill, I slept from 6pm to 6am.

Sunday = Rest day with a light walk with the wife and dog


Dynamic Warm-up

Sumo deadlift max effort
Reps of 5 (135#) - 5 (165#) - 3(225#) - 3(255#) - 1(265#) - 1(285#) - 1(295#) - 1(305#)

The 305 beats my regular deadlift record (300#) so I was pretty excited. 

Followed by a 5 min as many rounds as possible of 95# clusters.  Clusters are cleans followed by a front squat (or a squat clean) followed by a thruster (push press from the bottom of the squat).  Every time you rest with the weight on the ground or drop the bar or hands move from the bar you owed four burpees post workout. 

 I only got 14 clusters.  Lots of resting in the rack position dropped the bar four times had to do 16 burpees.  This exercise just stunk to high heaven...  Not my friend.

2 of 100

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday team WOD

Team WOD at the gym Saturday was a devilshly work out. It started of funny when we had to push the coaches truck in teams as part of the warm up.

Next it was men vs women on rounds of push-ups, squats, sumo deadlift high pull, wallball and kettlebell swings. The last station was a run around the building. The runner set the pace for switching sets. 20 minutes was a long time! No idea how we did either, just worked hard.


Friday, April 29, 2011


Straight Press today.
5 rep at 85, 5 rep at 90, 3 rep at 95, 3 rep at 110 (PR), 1 rep at 115 (PR), 1 rep at 120 (PR), 1 rep at 125 (Fail), 1 rep at 125 (Fail)
then As many rounds as you can in seven minutes of
10 Kettlebell (45#)
40 Hammer Throws
20 Mountain Climbers
Lost track of rounds...  But work was performed.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Workouts

Got two workouts today...

10 rounds of
10 Burpees
10 Sit-ups
10 Dips
Time: 18:26


Couldn't run due to the calf/Achilles heel issues and the new box doesn't have pull up bars yet (Yet!)  So I did 100 pull-ups for time.  Took me 11:32.  Hands didn't fair well.    The other one had a big blood blister I had to pop.  Ewwww.

Finished the work out with 500m sprints on the rower with 1 minute rest in between.  First round was 1:53, the rest were 2:10 +/- a few seconds.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Row on a Wed

Rest day for me so I went an rowed at the base gym.
5K in 23:01...  Just couldn't make 23 even  No that would be too easy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Body Weight

Great workout ladies!
Dynamic Warm-up
Buy-in was Turkish Getups with 20# KB
Today was a 20 minute body weight...  Keep a running total of your reps
5 min Sit-ups (I finished 143)
rest 1 minute
4 min Box Jump on 20" (Total 217 so 74)
rest 1 minute
3 min push-ups (yuck) (Total 270 so 53)
rest 1 minute
2 min Wall Ball w/ 20# (Total 283 so 13 -- Getting Tired Here!)
rest 1 minute
1 min Handstand Push-ups (Total 283 so 0! BBBpphhhttt on the goose egg...  Spent the minute trying to hold a handstand and even that wasn't very good)