Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Box and Burp

We did a metcon today for the workout.
Box Jumps (or Steps for me) and Burpbees
10 of each
9 of each
8 of each
1 of each
Time: Forgot? J  But work was done!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Elevated Deadlifts

Still about 1 1/2 years out...
Warmup: Push/Pull/Sit/Squat
Strength: Elevated Deadlifts (Deadlifts from a raised 2" platform) Max load at 175#
Metcon: Three Rounds for time of
15 Knees to Elbows (hanging from the pull up bar)
15 Hyper Extension (Band training for the back)
15 Squats
15 Mountain Climbers
Time: 5:23

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I own a Kettlebell now!

Today was a workout at the house with the new kettlebell I bought on the madness that was Friday (No, I did not go at at 0400 to shop... This was a noon time excursion that was still maddening).

7 rounds of the following

7 Kettlebell Swings (35#)
7 Push-ups
7 Sit-ups
7 Dips off the chair
7 Deadlifts (135#)
7 Squats
7 Burpees

Time: 18:42 and lot O' sweat


Friday, November 26, 2010

Just Walk

Spent Friday on a short walk, just shy of 2 miles with the dog in the freezing cold.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Active Rest - Row

Today was an 'active rest' so after warming up I did 5K on the rowing machine.  Time was 24:46.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Double Dipping

Today was a killer.  I work at a Dept of Defense office with uniformed military guys and they sometimes have unit exercise that I try to catch.  The problem is that I worked out my normal routine in the morning then had to do the second workout an hour later with the military guys...  I'm beat!
Workout #1
Standard Warm-up
100 Burpees for time
Time: 9:46 -- I was real happy to be sub 10 mins!
Workout #2
Warm-up (jumping jacks, stretch, pushups, etc)
Tabata Drills: 8 rounds of 20 sec of work followed by 10 sec of rest
- Sit-ups
- Squats
- Pushups
- Sprints (I walked due to the knee)
More Stretch
One spent puppy... :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Front Squats and Metcon

Took Sunday off since I did the long run (for me) on Saturday.  Monday AM, still about 1/5 years post op:
Standard Warmup
Front Squats:
Decreasing Reps/Increasing Weights
5 (95#) - 5 (115#) - 3 (135#) - 3 (145#) - 1 (155#) - 1 (160#) - 1 (165#) - 1 (175#) - 1 (Fail at 180#)
Then three rounds for time of...
15 Sumo Deadlifts (95#)
15 Static Band Goodmornings
15 Air Squats
15 Medicine Ball Crunch/Leg Lifts
Time: 10:50

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Living History Trail Run

Didn't work out Friday.  No real excuse.

Saturday I participated in the Living History Farm's Trail Run, against my better judgement.  Start time was 29 degrees, but it warmed up to the high 30's during the race!

My knee is shot.  Body aches.

7 miles of trails, streams, hills, mud in 1:59:27.  I made it under the two hour mark which is great for me considering I had just planned to walk it.  Unfortunately my competitive side came out and I jogged the first four, then did a combo walk/jog through the ugly part of the course that was as much mud as wet.

7500 folks made it crowded but there were lots of costumes and people watching was good despite the freezing cold.


Edit: Found a pic of me in the mess of pics...  That is me in the grey jacket and dark grey cap, looking thoughtfully at the mud on the hill wondering if my knee will survive a slippage.
 Pic courtesy of http://www.dsmweather.com/easyblog/entry/dsmweathercom-living-history-farms-race-recap

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pull and Burp

On the road...

Wednesday was an active rest so I got up did the standard warmup and walked for 30 mins or so.

Thursday I was happy to see they had a pull-up bar in the Hampton.  They are a rarity in hotels.


- Pull-ups
- Burpbees
Time: 10:05

Doing the math, this is the same amount of exercises (numerically) of Fran, 45.  If they had dumbbells I would have done the thrusters, but Burpbees suck equally well.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sun to Tue

Saturday was a rest day...

four rounds of 20/15/10/5 of 
135# Deadlifts
15# Overhead Squats
Time: 8:20ish

Monday - Back Squats with a twist... Chris added in chains to the deadlifts. We did 10 rounds of 3 reps each. Each set added either weights or chains. First time working with the chains and it was interesting. It just flet weird having them hanging from the bar.

Today was Deadlift Tuesdays. This week was one rep maxs. Max weight, single lift, working our way up. I maxed out at 285, which is a new PR for me at this weight.

We then did 7 minutes of the following:
5 Kettlebell Swings (45#KB)
5 Box Jumps (I stepped up due to bad knee)
5 Lunges

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tabata Friday

Today - Standard Warm-up

Tabata This!

Another deciveingly hard workout.  20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest.  8 rounds of each of four exercises.  Pull-ups, Squats, Push-ups, Sit-ups.  You only get to count your lowest rep for each exercise.  You usually start strong, but end weak. :(

Pull-ups - 4
Squats - 20
Push-ups - 5
Total: 39

That is a bout three lower then my previous.  I gained a squat, but lost both pulls and pushes.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday to Thrusday

Tuesday we did Squat Balance practice/technique with some L-Sits.

Wednesday I spent two hours raking the lawn

Thursday -

Standard Warmup (3x10 of Pulls, Push, Sits, Dips, Squats)

Reverse Fran

9 Thrusters at 95#
9 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull-ups
21 Thrusters
21 Pull-ups

Time: 12:46 :(  Regular Fran is a bear, but reversing the order (9-15-21 vice 21-15-9) means you were already gassed by the time you got to the long set.
  The time is a full minute over by best normal Fran time.  Grrr!

We did some more L-Sit practice for a cash out.


Monday, November 8, 2010

MetCon Monday


20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 85#
20 Push-ups
20 Overhead Squats @ 85#
20 Pull-ups
20 Front Squats @ 85#
Time: 9:36
Things started well, until the Overheads which are just plain tough at any weight.  They slowed me down and took the most out of me for the last two sets.

Coach told me it was ugly metcons all week this week...  Oh Yea?


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Push Press and Row

Today was Rowing and Push Press

Alternated for three rounds between
500m Rows as fast as you can
95# Push Press - Max reps achievable without putting down the bar

Times and Reps:

1:46 and 14 Reps
2:00 and 13 Reps
2:06 and 11 Reps

I had wanted to do 135 on the bar, but after the first row I had a hard time getting the darn bar off the ground let alone over head!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Back Squats and Metcon




20 Box Steps (24)

20 Jumping Jacks

20 Push-ups

15 Box Steps (24)

15 Jumping Jacks

15 Push-ups

10 Box Steps (24)

10 Jumping Jacks

10 Push-ups

Time: 3:26


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chipper Thursday

On the road today.  Chris scheduled a chipper and told me to do five rounds of 5 dead hang pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 Burpbees.  I added 20 squats and 25 sit-ups

Time: 22:32 and a lot of sweat.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Active Rest - Row 30 mins

Did a long slow row today for an active rest.  30mins continues on the rower.  Finished with about 5300m as I was doing about 2:50 average 500/m split.

Like I said.



Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Forgot what we did on the 28th and 29th.  :(

Sat - Rested
Sun - 4 rounds for time of
400m Row
30 Squats
20 Sit-ups
10 Push-ups

Overhead Squats

Tues - Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5
AMRAP in 10 Mins
10 Lunges
6 Burpbees
