Wednesday, October 31, 2012

C&J plus Triplet

5 rounds of 2 reps
Clean and Jerk
1 min rest

2 rounds
1 min work, 30 seconds rest of...
Front Squat (BW was RX, I went 50%)
Ball Slam
Burpbee box jump
Count: 86


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Row, Push, Pull

2x500m sprints
1:43 and 1:54

Push-up and Pull-up Ladder
Rest between each step length it took to finish that step.
10 mins work
I got 9 of each.


Monday, October 29, 2012

What Happen?

I'll start posting again tomorrow.  Almost two weeks from posting.

Bad jp, Bad


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


10x2 Sumo Deadlift
Went from 185 to 225 to 245

10 min AMRAP
10 Sit-up
10 Deficit Deadlift (135)
10 Double Unders
5 reps plus 27.

DU slowed me down of course.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Fri, Sat, Mon


Front Squat
5 sets of 3.  Don't remember the loading.  Bad
followed by
Partner WOD
50 Push Press at 115#
50 Wallball at 20#
Exchange bar and wallballs between partners each rep
Time: ???  12??

2 Clean and Jerks every 2 minutes for 10 sets, increasing each time.
Ended at 155#, but was only doing Power Cleans


5 Rounds for Max Rep:
Body weight Bench Press (I lowered the weight to 175 vice 195)
Pull upsNo time constraints, just get the work done...
Reps as follows:
6/17   6/17   5/12   3/8   3/12

Back Squat – 8 Rounds of 3 Reps
Increasing Weight each set.
Rounds start every 2 minutes
Did 190#, but failed on 195
Followed by...
Tabata Fran:
Thrusters Scaled to 75# from 95#
Pull-UpsFinished total reps of 33 and 36


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So I need to take some down time with the calf being all icky and stuff.  I didn't work out from Thursday to Monday.  First day back I coached and did the workout afterwards...  Tuesday and Wednesday as follows...

Press 7x5 ended with 105
Five rounds for time of
5 Push Press at 115#
Run 200m
Time: 12:20

Deadlift 7x5 ended with 275#
2 - 75# hang snatch (Full required)


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Press and mini WoD

Did Press at 85# in the following pattern.

3 reps every 30 seconds x4
3 reps every 60 seconds x4
3 reps every 90 seconds x4
It was an experiment.  I was fatigued near the end, but not horribly.

Then for time
5 rounds
5 dead hang pull-ups
5 dumbbell press at 30#
30 sit-ups
Time: 10:50


Steam Room


Monday, October 1, 2012

Wall Ball, Box Jump, Dumbbell Snatch

Did a 20 AMRAP of the triplet

10 Wall Balls #20
5 each arm of Dumbbell Snatch at 35#
10 Box Jumps at 24"
6 rounds + 20

Calf is still bothering me.  Box jumps seemed to aggravate it a lot.  Moved to step ups after first round.
