Friday, April 29, 2011


Straight Press today.
5 rep at 85, 5 rep at 90, 3 rep at 95, 3 rep at 110 (PR), 1 rep at 115 (PR), 1 rep at 120 (PR), 1 rep at 125 (Fail), 1 rep at 125 (Fail)
then As many rounds as you can in seven minutes of
10 Kettlebell (45#)
40 Hammer Throws
20 Mountain Climbers
Lost track of rounds...  But work was performed.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Workouts

Got two workouts today...

10 rounds of
10 Burpees
10 Sit-ups
10 Dips
Time: 18:26


Couldn't run due to the calf/Achilles heel issues and the new box doesn't have pull up bars yet (Yet!)  So I did 100 pull-ups for time.  Took me 11:32.  Hands didn't fair well.    The other one had a big blood blister I had to pop.  Ewwww.

Finished the work out with 500m sprints on the rower with 1 minute rest in between.  First round was 1:53, the rest were 2:10 +/- a few seconds.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Row on a Wed

Rest day for me so I went an rowed at the base gym.
5K in 23:01...  Just couldn't make 23 even  No that would be too easy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Body Weight

Great workout ladies!
Dynamic Warm-up
Buy-in was Turkish Getups with 20# KB
Today was a 20 minute body weight...  Keep a running total of your reps
5 min Sit-ups (I finished 143)
rest 1 minute
4 min Box Jump on 20" (Total 217 so 74)
rest 1 minute
3 min push-ups (yuck) (Total 270 so 53)
rest 1 minute
2 min Wall Ball w/ 20# (Total 283 so 13 -- Getting Tired Here!)
rest 1 minute
1 min Handstand Push-ups (Total 283 so 0! BBBpphhhttt on the goose egg...  Spent the minute trying to hold a handstand and even that wasn't very good)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday and Saturday

Today was a killer, but a lead in first...

Yesterday afternoon we had Directorate PT. I forgot my normal shoes and only had my new Vibram Five Fingers. Well, I'm still getting use to them, but I went anyways, knowing we would have a bit of running. Long story short, after running and a game of all things kickball (yes kickball) by calves, my right one specifically, are almost seized. Like rocks. Hurts to walk... So, I'm taking a few days off from the Vibrams and trying to loosen up the calves.

Today's work out didn't help either...

3 rounds of 10 Burpees, 10 bar to overhead at 95#, 10 pass throughs

5 rounds
10 Pistols (I did a mix of pistols while holding the wall and jumping squats)
~ 10m walking lunge with 45# plate overhead
10 straight leg deadlift w/ 70# kettlebell
~ 10m walking lunge with 45# plate overhead

My time was 11:20 - It was a killer, especially with the hamstrings screaming... Argh.

Saturday was a team WOD.

In pairs of two overhead squat 4500#
Then 30 Handstand push-ups
60 burpees
100 box jumps

Dave and I did it in 14 mins or so.  I was happy with how my Overhead's looked.  We split it up in 100 total overheads of 45# bar, alternating 10 each.  At 45#, I was hitting them pretty steady, being able to lock it out while others struggled a bit.  Handstand push-ups however...  Totally different story.  Dave was rock'n those while I was needing big time help.

Cashed out with more sit-ups...  114 again.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Strength Day with a Max Effort Sumo Deadlift High Pulls. It is basically a Clean, with a real wide stance (Sumo) and a close grip.
I succeeded at 140# but failed at 145#. Pretty happy with the effort as it is an odd lift and you have to be careful of not pulling your back.
I cashed out with as many sit-ups as possible in an unbroken set. I got to 114 before I stopped.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wall Crawl, Ball, Inclined Push-ups

Fighting a head cold.  Haven't been sleeping and feel like I need a nap here in the office already.
Dynamic Warm-up
Work Out
As many rounds in 20 mins of
- 3 Reps Wall Crawl (Start in Push-up position with feet on the wall.  'Walk' your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall)
- 5 Reps Inclined Push-ups (Elevated feet and used parallets to get greater depth)
- 7 Wall Balls with 20# ball (squat down with medicine ball at chest and push/throw the ball to a mark 10' up on the wall, catch the ball as you enter the squat...  Repeat)
I was able to get 8 full rounds with the Wall Crawls, Push-ups and 1 Wall Ball of the 9th.
I was beat and had snot running down my face and sleeves...  Stupid head cold!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sit-ups and Tabata Front Squats

75 sit-ups (attempt as few sets as possible)

Tabata front squats at 65# (8 rounds of 20 sec work/10 sec rest)

75 sit-ups (attempt as few sets as possible)

One minute rest between sits and tabata after last person finishes their sits. 

Score number of sets to complete sit-ups and lowest count on tabata front squats.

I was able to get the sit-ups in a single, unbroken set for each round and had a high tabata count of 11 and low tabata count of 7.  Score was 1-7-1. 

Different workout, but kind of fun, except during the tabatas.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Clean and Jerk

Dynamic warm-up followed by skill work on Olympic Lifts

Started with basic bar drills building towards the clean and jerk....  Followed by max effort on clean and jerk...

Still feeling my way around this lift, I was able to get 125 pretty easy off the ground, but the form was less than ideal.  We can go with any jerk movement we like, and I seem to feel more comfortable with the right leg forward split jerk.  I think I'll see more weight on this one in the future, but it was a good base line effort.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Death by Burpees

Thursday Workout

Dynamic Warm-up


Death by Burpees
Complete one burpee ever minute on the minute, adding one burpee for each minute. So... In the first minute you do one, the second you do two, the third you do three, etc... When you fail, you set that as your goal for the rest of the workout for a with a minimum of 12 minutes. 

Completed: 14 full rounds and 9 on round 15. Not to shabby. It may sound easy, but my heart rate spiked up to 172 during the last set. The first four or five sets are deceivingly easy, sets six through 10 you reall start to feel your HR going as your time to rest is getting short, anything above ten is heart pounding!

Cashout was a short/slow 1200m jog.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Front Squat and Doubles

Frustrating workout this am.

Heavy Front Squat (155 RX, I did 125) in reps of 10-8-6-4-2 with sets of double unders of 50-40-30-20-10 in between.

So  The front squats were pretty taxing.  Other the 2 rep I didnt get any unbroken.  The double unders were just crappy as always.  I couldnt get any rhythm going.   I did the first set as doubles but dropped the rest to singles as I was just eating away at the clock. 

Finished up at 13:43 for the day. 

Cashed out with three handstands

The double unders are a huge weakness.  I wish I had a better response.  At one point I dropped the damn bar and walked out to get a hold of myself because I was getting so frustrated with the effort.  With the way my knee is killing me after them, I just dont know how Im going to get better at them either.  Time will tell I suppose.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Cleans


Today was a solid workout after a dynamic warm-up


3 Rounds for time:

400 Meter Run

30 Abmat Sit Ups

15 Cleans  (75/135)

I dropped the cleans weight to 115 to make sure I kept up a good pace.

Time: 12:28

Cals: 185

Avg HR: 156

Max HR: 169

Cash out was some gymnastic rolls on the mats.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Fran



95# Thruster
Ring Pull-ups
Time: 13:37
Rings slowed me down...

Cals: 195
Avg HR: 155
Max HR: 173

Should have been better...


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday - Push press and wall ball squat cleans

Reps of 20-18-16-14 ... 6-4-2
75# Push Press
Wall Ball Squat Cleans with 20# ball

Time: 21:15

Solid workout. Very tired afterwards.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

AMRAP and Unit PT

==== TODAY ====
30 jumping jacks, 10 wall balls, 20 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 3 - 5 sec Hand Stand holds
Light Bear Complex
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
15 squats
I think I hit 13 plus 5 push-ups. I always have a hard time counting my reps. Regardless the work was done and the HR monitor had 181 calories for 12 minutes. Not too shabby.
Cash Out
60 sec total L-sits. Took me 6 sets of 10 sec to get it done.
Afterwards I was under 185# for the fourth time this week. That was my goal weight. If I'm under again in the morning, I'm calling goal and changing the profile! Hoot!

This afternoon I participated in the unit PT.  We did mostly running with a few sprint sets inside a relay race format.  I capped it off with some jump rope.  50 double unders in 4:11

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Deadlifts and Box Jumps

Day two in the new box!

Deadlifts: 5 5 5 5 5 - Maxed out at 275.

100 Box Jumps in 4:49


Monday, April 4, 2011

New Box!

First day for our crew at the new Crossfit Terminal Velocity site!  Hoot!
Warm-up - Typical dynamic warm-up with four rounds of 20 sit, push, jump, pass-through, squat
Work out was "7"
7 Clusters at 95#
7 Hurdle Burpees
Time: 18:37...  Waaaay to long, but I was sucking wind at the end.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Open WOD 2

Today I tried the Crossfit Open WOD #2.

As many rounds as possiable in 15 mins of

9 deadlifts at 155#
12 push-ups (games style - raise hands off of ground in the down position)
15 box jumps (Only have a 20" vice 24")

I finished 6 rounds plus 2 deads.  A little slower then I wanted, but the third round + of those push-ups slowed me down...  And box jumps are, well, box jumps.  'nuf said.

Avg HR: 146 
Max HR: 166
Cal: 221

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tabata - Bottom to top and Snatch Balance

Thursday: Bottom up Tabata drills

20 second work, 10 seconds rest

8 rounds of bottom to top squats, resting in bottom of squat
Rest 120 sec
8 rounds of push-ups, resting in plank
rest 120 sec
8 rounds of sit-ups, resting in the up position
rest 120 secs
8 rounds of sprints/runs

I didn't count my reps. Just did the most I could. I know it sounds easy, but if you haven't tried Tabata drills, they are a burner. Only good thing was their wasn't pull-ups!

Friday was a skill development day.  Worked on Snatch Balance as part of the Snatch progression.  

Followed by moving over 1500 lbs of weights from Chris' garage to the trailer then from the trailer to the new box.  Workouts start Monday!
