Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday and Saturday

Today was a killer, but a lead in first...

Yesterday afternoon we had Directorate PT. I forgot my normal shoes and only had my new Vibram Five Fingers. Well, I'm still getting use to them, but I went anyways, knowing we would have a bit of running. Long story short, after running and a game of all things kickball (yes kickball) by calves, my right one specifically, are almost seized. Like rocks. Hurts to walk... So, I'm taking a few days off from the Vibrams and trying to loosen up the calves.

Today's work out didn't help either...

3 rounds of 10 Burpees, 10 bar to overhead at 95#, 10 pass throughs

5 rounds
10 Pistols (I did a mix of pistols while holding the wall and jumping squats)
~ 10m walking lunge with 45# plate overhead
10 straight leg deadlift w/ 70# kettlebell
~ 10m walking lunge with 45# plate overhead

My time was 11:20 - It was a killer, especially with the hamstrings screaming... Argh.

Saturday was a team WOD.

In pairs of two overhead squat 4500#
Then 30 Handstand push-ups
60 burpees
100 box jumps

Dave and I did it in 14 mins or so.  I was happy with how my Overhead's looked.  We split it up in 100 total overheads of 45# bar, alternating 10 each.  At 45#, I was hitting them pretty steady, being able to lock it out while others struggled a bit.  Handstand push-ups however...  Totally different story.  Dave was rock'n those while I was needing big time help.

Cashed out with more sit-ups...  114 again.


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