I'm in Nashville for a week of Symposiums.
Went to the gym at 4am because the bozo next store had his tv on at 330 and I couldn't sleep. Piss me off.
The gym does have a pull-up bar and even for 4am it was pretty crowded. Mostly east coast folks on central time, but the hotel is HUGE and the gym seemed to be able to accommodate it pretty well. Saw a modified version of this from Carrissa over at TT. Thought it would be great for on the road.
14 Pull-ups, 1 Push-up, 15 Sit-ups
13 Pull-up, 2 Push-ups, 15 Sit-ups
12 Pull-ups, 3 Push-ups, 15 Sit-ups
1 Pull-up, 14 Push-ups, 15 Sit-ups
Time: 23:50
Those counting at home that is 210 sit-ups and 105 pull-ups and push-ups.
Then did some jump rope for about 15 mins. Mostly singles.