Wednesday, June 30, 2010


7 Clusters (Clings with 30# dumbbells with a thruster)
7 burpbees
7 rounds for time

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Run and Squat

400m Run
50 Squats
400m Run
40 Squats
400m Run
30 Squats
400m Run
20 Squats
400m Run
10 Squats

Time: 12:05

Monday, June 28, 2010

Deadlifts and Squat Cling & Pull-ups


235# - 255# - 260#  --  This was good since I (F) on the last attempt at 260.

Squat Clings

We got a late start so Chris cut it down to the above from 21-15-9...  Clock died 2:50 in so not sure of the time.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thrusters and Double-unders

Took Saturday as a rest day so I didn't have any programing.

I did the following in the basement:

Thrusters at #95

1 per minute, adding 1 for each minute until fail.

I got 7 full minutes in and failed on the 8th of 8 minutes getting it in 0:02 after the clock turned.

100 double-unders for practice.  I got a 10 string! :)


Friday, June 25, 2010

Metcon: Double-unders, Kettlebells, Push-ups

Today was a long metcon.

30 Double-unders
20 Kettlebell Swings #35
10 Push-ups

25 mins, as many rounds as possible.

5 rounds plus the double-unders

The double-unders were the slow part.  Near the end I started trying to get multiple doubles without the single in between.  I was able to string 5 together which I was happy with.  Rest of the crowd smoked me on the work out though...


Thursday, June 24, 2010

5-3-1 Shoulder Press and Burpee Pull-ups

Shoulder Press 5-3-1
95-105-115 – Might have gotten higher, maybe, but had to cling to the rack position and didn’t have bumpers.  Don’t want those metal plates hitting the concrete.
100 Burpee Pull-ups – suck
Time: 18:03

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Deadlift, Hanging Power Cling, Push Jerk

5 rounds for time
12 Deadlifts
9 Hanging Power Clings
6 Push Jerks
Completed at 95# but Rx was a whopping 155#
Time: 15:57

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Deadlift and Row

Saturday's workout

Three rounds for time:

205# Deadlift x8
500m Row

Time: 11:40


Friday, June 18, 2010

Thrusters and Burpees

7 rounds or as many as you can in 30 mins of
7 Heavy Thrusters (well  Rx was 135, I was doing 105, which was heavy enough)
7 Burpees
I got through 6 of the thrusters  Shoulder is trashed, Im tired and want a nap

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Push Press and Double-unders

5 rounds for time
25 Push Press #75#
25 Double-unders
Time: 31:10

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Active Rest - Swim

Active Rest today so I swam for about 25 minutes followed by about 10 mins of streatching.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Front Squats and Metcon

Front Squats
10 min Team metcon
10 Push-ups
10 Box Jumps
AMRAP:?  I didnt count

Monday, June 14, 2010

Big Ugly Metcon

Today we did a real long body strength metcon.
10 Burpbees
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Squats
50 Sit-ups
4 rounds
Time: 45:20
Knees is acting up more than I would like.  So Ill have to keep an eye on it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kettlebell swings and Push Press

Today's workout:

30 Swings @ 35#
5 Push Press @ 65#
25 Swings
10 Push Press
20 Swings
15 Push Press
15 Swings
20 Push Press
10 Swings
25 Push Press
5 Swings
30 Push Press

Time: 21:41

Tough workout...  Found myself slowing on the later Push Press, only getting 5-8 before having to rest a second (or 12).


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Double-unders and Burpees

On the road part two...

Chris scheduled me a mean little WOD for my road trip

100 Double-unders
100 Burpees
Break them down however you like.

I did five rounds of 20 of each.

Time: 25:55


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Active Rest - Double-unders and walk

Active rest day on the road.

I brought a jump rope and did 10 rounds of 10 double-unders and a 250m walk...  Best string was 9 double-unders.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Knees to Elbows, Squats, Sit-ups, Double-unders, and Flutter Kicks

Chris was out and Greg and I were the sole members of the garage...

Three rounds for time...

30 x Knees to Elbows
30x Squats
30x Sit-ups
30x Double-unders
30x Flutter Kicks

Time: In the twenties...  23:02 if I remember.

The Knees to Elbows and Double-unders really slowed me down.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Deadlifts, Kettlebell, Box, Chest to Bar Pull-ups

225 245 260(F)
10:02 for
21 15 9
35# Kettlebell
Box Jumps
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Farmer's Walk, Press Jerk, Front Squats, Deadlift Metcon

I didn't get Saturday's workout in so I did it today, my normal rest day.

The program was:

8 rounds for time

Farmer's Walk with two 45# plates, 250m
3 Press Jerks 135#
5 Front Squats 135#
7 Deadlifts 135#

I had to modify the weights down to 95# as my Press Jerks were not looking too good.  I also started just jogging the farmer's walk on #6-#8 as I couldn't get a grip on the weights anymore.

5 rounds as modified above: 21:34
8 rounds with jogging/walking the farmer's walk: 32:08

Very tough workout.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Power Cling, Push-ups, Squats

A real tough, but challenging workout.

5 rounds of...

AMRAP in three minutes
3 Power Clings (135 Rx, 95 as done)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

1 minute rest

I had a hard time counting, but effort was being conducted, trust me!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shoulder Press and Metcon

Missed the garage since the car is in the shop, so this was done at home on my own
Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3
95 115 120 125 130
Three rounds for time of
20 Double-unders
20 Squats with 35# plate
20 Sit-ups
Time: 11:31

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Deadlifts and Chipper

Todays workout was a challenge
Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3
225 (5) 235 245 255 265
Followed by
30 Medicine Ball Cleans (20#)
30 Ground to Overhead (95#)
30 Box Jumps (20?)
30 Burpees
30 Ground to Shoulders (95#)
Time: clock stopped  Im sure it was in the 20s somewhere.
Chris had 30 Front Squats between the Box Jump and Burpees, but time was getting late and I think misjudged how taxing the workout would be.
I was glad I got the 95# bar going  That should help moving to a fully scaled Fran time in the future.