Friday, May 25, 2012

Air Force WOD

Friday of Memorial Day Weekend

20 Thrusters
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
20 Push Jerk
20 Overhead Squat
20 Front Squat
Rx at 95, but I did 75
Every minute on the minute stop and do 4 burpees
Time: 13:57
That would be 56 stinkn' burpees!


Thursday AMRAP 15

15 min AMRAP of...

4 pistols (I used a bench at the bottom but free hands)
4 pull-ups
4 Hand stand push-ups (I got into the handstand, held, then dropped to a push-up)

Rounds: 9

It was a lot slower then others, but that was becuase I was having issues with HSPU, as always.  Also, I didn't use a bar or band to help counter balance the pistols which made them harder and slower.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Team Snatch

16 Power Snatch @ 65#
16 knees to elbows

16 Power Snatch @ 65#
16 GHD Sit-ups

16 Power Snatch @ 65#
16 knees to elbows

Partners did each pair and both had to complete before moving on.
Finished in 8:43

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Row 5k

Row 5k

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Curtis P's


50 Curtis P's @ 75/35

25 Ball Slams (25/12)

50 Wall Balls (20/14)

25 Box Jumps (24/20)

18 Min Cutoff

I got through 14 Wall Balls. The Curtis P's (Power Clean, Lunge - L, Lunge
- R, Push Press) killed my knees. I've iced three times today to help


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday

Overhead squat
Ended with 115#
15 amrap of
3 overhead squat at 65#
12 double unders
7 rounds + overhead squat @65#
100 body blasters in 20 mins (Burpee to pull-up to knees to elbows = suck it!)
Only got 64! And tore up hands.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wed-Friday plus Monday


Thur: Worked on full squat cleans

Friday: 10! OH Squat at 65# and Burpees

Monday: Mobility/Flexibility WOD for a whole hour


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

PTP Continues

Dislocates and rotational dislocates + 20 squats + 20 push-ups + 20 sit-ups
PTP WOD: Day 6
Set 1: +5# from Day Five, 3-5 reps (195#)
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps (175#)
Set 1: +2-5# from Day Five, 3-5 reps (95#)
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps (85#)
Cash out:
3 x 5L/5R, suitcase deadlift. Use a barbell. Work up to a comfortable weight, nothing too heavy this first time out. Focus on form, your grip and maintaining a well-balanced bar.
Started with 95# and ended with 105#


Monday, May 7, 2012


Jump rope, 5:00
PTP WOD: Day 5
30 squats
20 KB swings (Russian, 24K/16K)
10 pull-ups
Time: 13:58
Cash out: 
Jump around a bunch. Find something outside to jump on, or over. Do that a bunch of times, or until it stops being fun.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Med Ball Stuff

Five rounds for time of...

10 x Med Ball Cleans
10 x Overhead med ball walking lunges
10 x Med Ball Sit-ups

Time: 14:04

Friday, May 4, 2012

Shessh... Record your workouts already...


PTP WOD: Day 3
Set 1: +5# from Day Two, 3-5 reps (195#)
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps (185#)
Set 1: +2-5# from Day Two, 3-5 reps (85#)
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps (#80)
Cash out:
Back squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 Ended with 195#
Skill work on Squat Cleans mostly
Day Two's weights
Cash Out
Death by Box Jump starting at 5.  I got 23+12 reps

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


PTP WOD: Day 2
Progressive Warm up

Set 1: +5# from Day One, 3-5 reps (190#)
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps (180#)
Set 1: +2-5# from Day One, 3-5 reps (80#)
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps (75#)
Cash out: 
10 KB snatches, 45/30 (5L/5R)
10 one-arm (Russian) swings (5L/5R)
10 burpees.
Time: 8:53?