Thursday, December 29, 2011

Toes to Bar, KB Snatch, GHD

Three rounds for time of

15 - 25# KB Snatch - Rt Arm
15 - Toes to Bar
15 - 25# KB Snatch - Lt Arm
15 - GHD
Time: 16:20

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Press and mini-amrap

Three sets of:
Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps (60% 1 RM)
Rest 90 seconds
Up right rows x 10-12 reps
Rest 90 seconds

“Brothers in Arms”
One time only...  Not sure why...
20 Kettlebell Swings w/ 45# KB
17 Box Jumps 20"
9 Jerks 135# then dropped to 95# for last four...

Should have muscled through the Jerks, but didn't...  WEAK!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday Row

Was a bum on Monday.

5 rounds of 500m row, rest 60 sec between rounds.
Fastest time: 1:46
Slowest time: 2:04


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

“CFTV 12 Days of Christmas”
1- Wall Walk
 2- Deadlift at 185#
3- Med ball squat cleans (20/14) - Subbed cleans with home made 15# PVC bar
4- Wall ball shots (20/14) -  Subbed Jumping Squats w/ a total of 20#
5- Pull-ups - Subbed Dips
6- Ground to Overhead (45/35 # plate)
7- Sit-ups
8- Lat jumps over bar
9- Air squats
10- Push-ups
11- Box Jumps
12- Burpees
Follow the song...  On the first day of crossfit, the coach gave to me...  1 Wall Walk.  On the second day of crossfit the coach gave to me 2 Deadlifts and a Wall Walk...  You get the idea.
Final Time: 36:30


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday Down plus Saturday Work-out

I rested of Friday with various niggling pains.

Saturday, still had the pains, but felt better after working out.

On the minute, every minute for 20 minutes do...

5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats
If you fail, then finish the set, rest the remainder of the minute then drop to
4 Pull-ups, 8 Push-ups, 12 Squats

If you fail, then finish the set, rest the remainder of the minute then drop to
3 Pull-ups, 6 Push-ups, 9 Squats...

I failed on round five, then again in minute 8, again on 17...

Bunch of stretching afterwards


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wed and Part one of Thursday plus Part II

Wed at the CFTV:
10 min AMRAP of
10 - Box Jumps
10 - 70# KB Swings
10 - Sit-ups
30 - Single Jump Ropes (no doubles for me)
Five rounds + 14
Thursday AM
Bench Press
135-185-190-195-200-205-210 (PR)
Then at 35% of above max reps
43 reps at 70#
Cash Out: 50 GHD sit-ups in 3 mins
Also tried the peg climb, but couldn't get the stabilization.
Have Directorate PT this afternoon and will do a METCON workout.

Edit: I did three rounds of

10x 185# DL
Farmers Walk with two 70# KB a total of 180'
10 Wallballs...

I was going to do five rounds, but was pretty tired.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Front Squats

First time since the surgery for the Front Squat.  I kept it light, but the knee is still feeling it.

Front Squats: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

completed at 65# - 95# - 105# - 115# - 135# - 145# - 155#

Followed by 35% for max reps.  I stuck with the bar only and got 39 reps.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Ugly MetCon Monday

5 round of.
10 Pull-ups (fine)
10 95# Hanging Squat Clean (Broken into sets)
10 Hand Stand Push-ups (1st round as HSPU, rest as negatives with reset
after each one)
10 Push-ups
Time: 32:00
The HSPU were the real killer and sucked up the most time. Pull-ups and
Push-ups were punched out without much of an issue. The hanging squat clean
were technical with the lift following the squat being the tough part.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fri and Sat

Bear Complex
4 4 3 3 1 1
Ended last end at 135 - but had a fail with the last push press.
Death by push-ups
1 push every minute on the minute adding one each minute.
I got 14 and failed on the 14th on round 15.
Then 50 medicine ball sit ups with 20#.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wed and Thur

Abs Wed:
50- Weighted sit-ups (20/14)
25- Toes to bar
50- Weighted sit-ups
25- Knees to elbows
50- Weighted sit-ups
Time: 9ish...  I think?  Maybe 11ish...  Forgot to right it down.

Spinning for 50 mins


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday Fran, Tuesday Power Snatch

Monday was Fran. Hadn't done that in a long while. I'll have to check my
previous times tonight.
Fran for time:
Reps of 21-15-9
95# Thrusters
Time: 12:22
4 rounds for time of
5 power snatch @ 95#
10 Burpees
15 Box jumps
20 (x3) double unders (single jump rope)
Time: 13ish...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday and Saturday

8 rounds of each exercise - Each round is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest

Mountain Climbers
Wall balls

Count the lowest rep of each eight for each exercise and score that number.

Burpees - 5
Sit-ups - 12
Mnt. Climbers - 5
Wall Ball - 4 (bad second round... :( )
Score - 26


20 minute AMRAP of

400m row
21 - 135# Deadlifts

Finished five full rounds with 250m of rowing...


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday

5 rft or 25 min
20 each of...
95# push press
Double unders (*3 for singles)
95# hanging power clean
DnD - rnds was 3+36
5 rnds was a killer... most likely in the hugh 30's
Wed at the hotel
3 rft
3 wall walks
6 burpees
9 kettlebell swings at 35
12 squats
15 sit-ups
Time 9:36
Did some dumb bell snatches for skill work afterwards ending at 40#

Monday, December 5, 2011

Back Squats and AMRAP

5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Back Squats
Squats are still a sour spot. I'll most likely never be doing a 200# squat
with the knees I've got. :-(
At least a 6 min rest then
10 Back Squats (at 50% of above. I went 95#)
10 Box Jumps (I did a combo of full jumps and jump up/step down)
10 Pull-ups (I got the rings for the pull-ups)
Rounds: 3+18

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Row and push

20 AMRAP 250m row and 25 push-ups
6 full rounds plus an extra row.

Push-ups are the killer each rows was at or under 1 minute so that left 13 mins for the 150 push-ups.  Only the first set was unbroken.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Clean and Jerks

5 min AMRAP of Clean and Jerks.

Rx at 155#.  Scaled down to 115#.

I counted 17, but swear I counted '5' three or five times... We will keep the 17.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tac Fit

Went to the new tactical fitness area today because Crossfit TV has the new schedule...

For time:
of the triplet
Toes to bar
205# Deadlift
GHD Sit-up
Time: 20:31

Time sink was the toes to bar.  I couldn't get a pace going and all the sets were pretty much broken up.
