Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Thurs -
5 rnds of
5 thrusters (95 but 155 rd)
5 muscle ups (15 pull-ups & dips as sub)
1 lap
Time was 20ish
12 minute AMRAP
20 sit-ups
20 knees to elbows
20 45# good mornings
I got 4 full rounds

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yet More Stuff

OK...  Bad Blogger! :)

I did work out all last week less travel on Friday.  I just can't remember what it was I did. :)

Yesterday - a modified filthy fifty cut down to thirty (dirty thirty) for Brandon's B-Day.  Time was 21:01.

Today - Three rounds of Heavy Deadlifts (225#) - 10 reps and 50 Double-Unders.  I completed the first round of doubles then switched to 3x single for the last two rounds.  Time: 8:20ish...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


100 each of...

Monday, September 19, 2011

More Stuff

Wow,  whole week of working out and not posting...

Monday - Deadlifts - heavyish load with an extra 5K row in the afternoon (22 mins)

Tuesday - Off

Wednesday - Row 500m; 50 Sit-ups; 50 Push-ups; 50 Back Extensions Time: ???

Thursday - 1/4 mile burpee broad jumps - Time: 47 minutes...  Took 17 for first 1/2... :)

Friday - 5 handstand push-ups (HPU) 150 jump rope (JR); 4 HSPU, 120 JR; 3 HSPU, 90 JR; 2 HSPU, 60 JR; 1 HSPU, 30 JR - Got the first three HSPU, then went to kipping, then negatives and just a hold on the last.  Forgot the time...

Saturday - Off

Sunday - Went to beach and played in the surf for over an hour

Monday - Bench Press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1 - Started at 135# and ended with 195#


Monday, September 12, 2011


5 rounds
Run 1/4 mile
10 push-ups
10 dips
10 sit-ups
50 jump rope
Deadlift with exactly 60 seconds rest
Ended at 235

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday workouts

AM - 9 chest to bar pull-ups
12 burpees
15 medicine ball sit-ups
5 rounds in 14:40

PM - used the PAR Course with 13 exercises with s 25 yard run between each exercise.  Three rounds in 20 odd minutes.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


500m row
50 each of the following
Back ext
Box jump at 16
Time:28 mins

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shoulder press, power clean, and mini metcon

Sitter shoulder press at 105, power clean technique at 95. Mini merging... 7 wallball @ 12# and 7 buepees in 9:50.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big catch up

Spent all of last week on a cruise to Alaska.  Had a great time.  Pics can be found here.

I did work out 6 of the 7 days and one of those days I didn't workout I did go kayaking, so it was a pretty active trip.  I tried a spinning class and had a bike ride for one of my excursions so I might catch the biking itch.

I did not workout over the labor day weekend.  At all.  :(

Today is the first day of class for two weeks.  Gym is across the parking lot and an easy walk.  No excuses.

I hit the gym after getting in.

Dynamic warmup to include pulls, push, sit, squats.

Work out:
5 rounds of
10 Pull-ups
10 45# Kettlebell swing
10 Squats
Time: 9:05

Then did 10 mins on exercise glider...
